Watch Our How-To Video
Before starting your repair, watch our EZ Street How-To Video to see the process in action.
Essential Tools & Equipment
For the best results, ensure you have the following tools and consumables:
Required Equipment
- Shovel For placing EZ Street into the pothole.
- Hand Tamper Ideal for compacting small potholes.
- Brush For cleaning debris from the repair area.
- Safety Gloves Protects hands when handling asphalt.
Recommended Equipment for Larger Repairs
- Compactor Plate For larger repairs, a plate compactor ensures better compaction and longevity. We recommend the Mikasa MVC64VH.
Optional Extras
- 🛠 Asphalt Diamond Cutting Blade Creates clean edges for repairs.
- 🛠 BBA HAPAS Overbanding Tape Seals the repair edges to prevent water ingress.
- 🛠 Aerosol Edge Spray Helps bond the new asphalt to the existing surface.
Step-by-Step Pothole Repair Guide
Step 1: Prepare the Pothole
- Remove loose debris, dust, and standing water using a brush or blower.
Step 2: Fill with EZ Street Asphalt
- Pour the material directly from the bag, bucket, or bulk supply into the pothole.
- Apply enough material so it slightly overfills the hole to allow for compaction.
Step 3: Compact the Material
- For small repairs, use a Hand Tamper to firmly compact the material.
- For larger areas, a Mikasa Plate Compactor is recommended for a more uniform, durable finish.
Step 4: Final Checks and Finishing
- If desired, apply BBA HAPAS Overbanding Tape or Aerosol Edge Spray to seal the edges.
- The repair is immediately trafficable, meaning vehicles can drive over it straight away!
Working on roads, especially live carriageways, requires strict safety measures.
Chapter 8 Safety Regulations
If working on roads with live traffic, Chapter 8 regulations must be followed. These regulations outline the correct use of signage, cones, barriers, and traffic management to ensure worker and public safety.
Key Safety Guidelines
- Only repair potholes on live roads if you have suitable Chapter 8 signage in place.
- Always wear high-visibility clothing and safety gloves.
- Be aware of moving vehicles and always face oncoming traffic when working.
Download Our Resources
Get the Application Guide and Safety Data Sheet for EZ Street Asphalt.