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Posted by Danny Todd - RedStag Materials on 25th Mar 2024


In the United Kingdom, the responsibility for repairing and maintaining roads falls on local authorities. The local authorities are responsible for maintaining roads within their jurisdiction, which includes fixing potholes and other types of road damage.

In recent times, the number of reported potholes in the UK has risen significantly. According to a recent report, there were 1.3 million potholes reported in the UK in 2020, an increase of 30% compared to the previous year. This increase in the number of potholes has put a strain on local authorities' budgets, with an estimated £9.2 billion required to repair all reported potholes.

Despite the increase in the number of reported potholes, the UK government has allocated £500 million in funding to local authorities for road repairs. This funding is aimed at helping local authorities tackle the growing number of potholes and improve the overall condition of the roads.

So, what can motorists do to help keep the roads in good condition? The first step is to report any potholes that they come across. Reporting potholes is simple and can be done in a number of ways. The easiest way is to use the online reporting system on the local authority's website. This will enable you to provide details of the location of the pothole and any other relevant information. You can also report potholes by contacting the local authority directly.

In conclusion, local authorities are responsible for repairing and maintaining roads in the UK. Despite the increased funding for road repairs, the number of reported potholes continues to rise. Motorists can play their part in maintaining the roads by reporting any potholes they come across to the local authority. With a simple online reporting system and direct contact options, reporting potholes has never been easier.